If you’re considering storing stem cells from your newborn’s cord blood, you only have one opportunity to do so – immediately after your child is born. You may be asking how to choose the right cord blood bank to entrust your valuable stem cells to for the next 20 years. But it can be confusing, with competing cord blood banks making conflicting claims. That’s why it pays to do your research on how to choose a cord blood bank.
As you make this important decision, we’re here to provide expert advice about things to consider. Above all else, when choosing a cord blood bank, your top priority should be to ensure your child’s cord blood is safe and effective in the event of a transplant. In general, this means extracting as many stem cells as possible, while removing most of the red blood cells. Getting this right is all about the process and procedures for extracting and storing your child’s stems cells.
Focus on the processing method
Since there are only a certain number of stem cells in each collection, it’s important to choose the cord blood bank with the most effective processing method. But how do you do this? Different cord blood banks use different processing methods. Deciding which method will yield the best result can make your head spin, very quickly. Many banks make claims about their stem cell yields and more than one claim to get the most stem cells. So how do you sort through the conflicting messages?
We are here to provide unbiased advice to help you understand the differences in cord blood processing methods and what really matters. We have rounded up some important studies from impartial researchers to help sort through the claims and understand the facts. One of the main differences is the method use to separate the stem cells from the other blood components. Most cord blood banks use either Hetastarch, next generation method known as PrepaCyte-CB.
What the experts say about processing methods
The Newcastle Centre for Cord Blood, Institute of Human Genetics, conducted a study to determine which processing method was best. They published their findings in the International Journal of Stem Cells, concluding that our method outperformed hetastarch, a first generation technology used by many cord blood banks.
We know there is a lot to think about during your pregnancy. If you are thinking about any product claim made about stem cells in the cord blood industry, always ask for published research in peer-reviewed journals, like the International Journal of Stem Cells, to back-up marketing claims about stem cell yields!