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  • Why should I do cord blood banking?
  • What can you do with cord blood?
  • How is cord blood collected?
  • Why do they save the umbilical cord?
  • What is the umbilical cord blood used for?
  • Can a parent use a child’s cord blood?
  • Can you use cord blood for grandparents?
  • How long can cord blood be stored?
  • How much does it cost to save umbilical cord blood?
  • Is cord blood banking covered by insurance?
  • Is cord blood banking tax deductible?
  • Is cord blood eligible for FSA?
  • Can you donate your cord blood?
  • Is there a cost to donate cord blood?
  • How do I donate my baby’s cord blood?
  • What types of research is Cord For Life® involved in?
  • Can the required documents be sent by fax?
  • What are the reasons for different consents and health questions?
  • Does it cost me anything to have my newborn’s cord blood collected and stored?
  • Can newborn umbilical cord blood be collected any time day and night?
  • Can you have your newborn’s umbilical cord blood collected at any hospital or must you use certain hospitals?
  • What are the physical risks to cord blood banking?
  • Why is it difficult to find a stem cell unit when a transplant is needed?
  • What is umbilical cord blood an how is it used?
  • Are umbilical cord blood stem cells the same as embryonic stem cells?
  • What is the difference between a privately stored and publicly donated cord blood unit?
  • What is cord tissue?
  • What is the difference between cord blood and cord tissue?
  • How are cord tissue stem cells being researched for use in medical treatments?
  • Who can use my baby’s cord tissue?
  • Who can use my baby’s cord tissue?
  • How does Cord for Life store cord tissue?
  • How do I know I have a quality cord tissue sample?
  • What do I do if I want to use the cord tissue?
Why should I do cord blood banking?
What can you do with cord blood?
How is cord blood collected?
Why do they save the umbilical cord?
What is the umbilical cord blood used for?
Can a parent use a child’s cord blood?
Can you use cord blood for grandparents?
How long can cord blood be stored?
How much does it cost to save umbilical cord blood?
Is cord blood banking covered by insurance?
Is cord blood banking tax deductible?
Is cord blood eligible for FSA?
Can you donate your cord blood?
Is there a cost to donate cord blood?
How do I donate my baby’s cord blood?
What types of research is Cord For Life® involved in?
Can the required documents be sent by fax?
What are the reasons for different consents and health questions?
Does it cost me anything to have my newborn’s cord blood collected and stored?
Can newborn umbilical cord blood be collected any time day and night?
Can you have your newborn’s umbilical cord blood collected at any hospital or must you use certain hospitals?
What are the physical risks to cord blood banking?
Why is it difficult to find a stem cell unit when a transplant is needed?
What is umbilical cord blood an how is it used?
Are umbilical cord blood stem cells the same as embryonic stem cells?
What is the difference between a privately stored and publicly donated cord blood unit?
What is cord tissue?
What is the difference between cord blood and cord tissue?
How are cord tissue stem cells being researched for use in medical treatments?
Who can use my baby’s cord tissue?
Who can use my baby’s cord tissue?
How does Cord for Life store cord tissue?
How do I know I have a quality cord tissue sample?
What do I do if I want to use the cord tissue?

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Ready to sign-up for cord blood banking?

Reserve your Cord Blood Collection Kit in time to bring it with you when you go into labor.  Give your newborn every advantage with cord blood banking!

Enroll Today

Donate Cord Blood

By donating your newborn’s cord blood, you are joining a nationwide effort to create a genetically diverse inventory of stem cells for transplant to a child.

Donate Today


Our purpose is to provide the expectant mothers with information necessary to discover the lifesaving potential of umbilical cord blood.

Copyright Cord for Life 2019. All rights reserved.