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Donate Cord Blood

A Lifesaving Gift

Stem cells can potentially help save the life of a person in need of a transplant. By donating your newborn’s cord blood, you are joining a nationwide effort to create a genetically diverse inventory of stem cells for transplant to a child in need.

Unless you arrange to donate or privately bank your newborn’s cord blood, it will be discarded and unavailable for transplant.  We hope you will consider sharing this gift of hope with someone in need.

How it Works

Cord blood donation is a simple and painless process and worth considering, even if you decide not to store your child’s cord blood for your private use.  Cord blood stem cells are successfully and routinely being used and have been saving lives for decades.

By choosing Cord for Life® to preserve this life-saving gift, you are assured that the highest quality and quantity of stem cells are available when they are needed most – when a child needs a transplant.

Minority Donors Needed!

If you are an African American, Hispanic, Asian or mixed race, it is very important for you to publicly donate your baby’s cord blood. Why? Because patients in need of a transplant are more likely to find a match from a donor of the same ethnic background. And because statistically there are fewer units collected from ethnic minorities in the national registries, finding a match can be especially difficult.

Delayed Cord Clamping

Given the low volume of cord blood available, Cord for Life® cannot accept donations from cord clamping delays in access of 60 seconds.

Step 1.  Register To Donate

The majority of expectant mothers are eligible to donate their child’s cord blood. Regulatory standards require that the mother be 18 years of age or older and provide a complete health history to ensure the safety of the mother, the child and the stem cell unit for unrelated transplant.

I Want to Register!

Step 2.  Complete and Return The Donation Enrollment Forms

Complete the Enrollment Forms

Step 3.  Pack the Collection Kit in your Hospital Go-Bag

This way you will have it all ready when it’s time to deliver your baby.

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Ready to sign-up for cord blood banking?

Reserve your Cord Blood Collection Kit in time to bring it with you when you go into labor.  Give your newborn every advantage with cord blood banking!

Enroll Today

Donate Cord Blood

By donating your newborn’s cord blood, you are joining a nationwide effort to create a genetically diverse inventory of stem cells for transplant to a child.

Donate Today


Our purpose is to provide the expectant mothers with information necessary to discover the lifesaving potential of umbilical cord blood.

Copyright Cord for Life 2019. All rights reserved.